We are a company that offers efficient solutions based on nature


Discover the inspirational story of Juan Carlos Sesma, founder of CO2 Revolution

CO2 Revolution was founded in 2014 by Juan Carlos Sesma, motivated by the consequences of climate change he observed during his stay in Colombia. Sesma, a specialist in process optimization, identified massive deforestation and carbon dioxide emissions as the main causes of this climate challenge. In 2016, he returned to Spain to develop a solution to create complete and sustainable ecosystems on a large scale. With the help of Enrique Carrasco, a Cistercian friar from the Monastery of La Oliva in Navarra, he developed smart seeds, an innovative technology to capture CO2 and increase forest area.

Let's talk about facts, let's talk about numbers.

Asynchronous Counters
+0 MIL

Recognition of excellence

Each award supports our dedication to a greener, more conscious world.

Reforest Project 2024 Awards: Commitment to the environment

Tribute for our environmental activism and involvement with the care of planet Earth.

Eco-Disruptive: Decarbonization - Sanitas

Recognition for our innovative Posidonia regeneration solution in the Mediterranean Sea with a positive impact on health and the environment.

San Francisco 2022 Challenge - ICEX

Access to the program to boost our global projection and competitive capacity in the international market organized by ICEX, España Exportación e Inversiones.

Top 100 Mundial Mejores Startups - South Summit

Recognition for our innovative Posidonia regeneration solution in the Mediterranean Sea with a positive impact on health and the environment.

Business Awards III: Revelation Company - Vocento

Recognition of excellence, adaptability and strategic vision.

Generacción VII Awards: Business Model - Deloitte

Recognition for our innovative ideas, the efficiency of our business strategy and effectiveness in creating solid and sustainable business models. 

Sustainability Day 2022: Sustainable Action - CSR and Team & Talent Commitment

Recognition for our innovation in reforestation processes using drones. 


Fair, social and legal commitment

CO2 Revolution's code of ethics reflects our dedication to working with transparency, responsibility and respect for the planet and its inhabitants. It is the foundation on which we build trusting relationships with our partners, customers and the community. By adhering to strict ethical principles, we ensure that our actions and projects not only pursue innovation in sustainability, but also promote a positive and fair social impact.

Meet our team

Juan Carlos Sesma

Founder and CEO

Javier Sánchez

Co-Founder and Director of Business Development

Esteban Obregón

Chief Executive Officer

Nuria Oñoro

Director of Operations

Gonzalo Álvarez

Chief Financial Officer

Jaime Olaizola

Director of I+D+i

Héctor Viñas

Business Development Manager


Cristian Ruiz

Director of Business Development

Nicole Moyano

Director of Operations

Juan Carlos Sesma

CEO y Fundador

Con más de 13 años de experiencia en gestión empresarial internacional, también es fundador de Bank of Climate y ha trabajado previamente como gerente de área, en ALDI y International Meal Company, así como Manager de Control de Gestión para El Corte Inglés. Posee un grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad de Navarra y un MBA en Business Administration de la Escuela de Negocios de Navarra.

Javier Sánchez

Cofundador y Director de Desarrollo de negocio

Cuenta con una sólida experiencia en gestión comercial con roles destacados en ALDI y LIDL, así como en IKEA y Decathlon. Además, fundó "Rustik Soul", galardonada con el premio WINNER OF THE EAWARDS 2015. Graduado en International Business por European Business School y posee un MBA en Mercados Financieros por el IEB.​

Esteban Obregón

Director General Adjunto

Director General Adjunto. Graduado en Ingeniería Minera por la Universidad de León y una Ingeniería de minas especializada en explotación de minas por la Universidad de Cantabria, aporta más de 6 años de experiencia como Responsable de Zona en ALDI y casi 8 años como Jefe de Obra y Producción en el sector de la construcción. ​

Nuria Oñoro

Directora de Operaciones

Ingeniera de Montes por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid con más de 23 años de experiencia en el sector forestal. Antes de su incorporación a CO2 Revolution desarrolló su actividad en la Gerencia de Desarrollo Rural y Política Forestal de Tragsatec (GRUPO TRAGSA) participando en proyectos para la conservación de la biodiversidad y estudio de la vulnerabilidad del patrimonio natural frente al cambio climático.

Gonzalo Álvarez

Director Financiero

Gonzalo tiene 9 años de experiencia en el sector financiero. Antes de su incorporación fue Senior de Auditoria de Energías Renovables en EY y también trabajo en Clarity AI como FP&A. Gonzalo se graduó en Administración y Dirección de Empresas en CUNEF y tiene un master en Auditoria y Contabilidad avanzada por la Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE).​

Jaime Olaizola

Director de I+D+i

Jaime posee un sólido conocimiento en investigación científica y ha liderado proyectos pioneros en el desarrollo de tecnologías aplicadas a la restauración de ecosistemas. Su enfoque innovador y su capacidad para integrar la ciencia en soluciones prácticas son invaluables para la compañía.

Héctor Viñas

Responsable Desarrollo de Negocio

Aporta 15 años de experiencia en el área comercial. Antes de su incorporación fue consultor experto en desarrollo de mercados internacionales en DHL. Licenciado en Filología inglesa, en la Universidad Complutense con un Máster en Dirección de Comercio Internacional en ESDEN.

Cristian Ruiz

Business Development Director

Graduated as an Electronics Technologist from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in Colombia and with a postgraduate degree in Clinical Engineering from the Instituto Superior de Ingeniería Clínica y Biomédica in Mexico. With 10 years of experience, Cristian has developed, implemented and supported projects in areas such as electronic engineering, technical support, software development and clinical engineering.

Nicole Moyano

Director of Operations

She has a degree in Integrated Environmental Planning from the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada and an undergraduate degree in Environmental Engineering from the Universidad Santo Tomás. Nicole Moyano is an Environmental Engineer with a specialisation in Integrated Environmental Management. Nicole excels in the design and development of environmental projects, integrated solid waste management and environmental impact studies. She also has advanced knowledge in energy efficiency, alternative technologies and environmental compensation planning.With 10 years of experience, Cristian has developed, implemented and supported projects in areas such as electronic engineering, technical support, software development and clinical engineering.

Juan Carlos Sesma

CEO and Founder

With more than 13 years of experience in international business management, he is also the founder of Bank of Climate and has previously worked as an area manager at ALDI and International Meal Company, as well as Management Control Manager for El Corte Inglés. He has a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Navarra and an MBA in Business Administration from the Navarra Business School.

Javier Sánchez

Cofounder and Business Development Director

He has solid commercial management experience with prominent roles at ALDI and LIDL, as well as IKEA and Decathlon. In addition, she founded "Rustik Soul", awarded with the WINNER OF THE EAWARDS 2015 award. Graduated in International Business from the European Business School and has an MBA in Financial Markets from the IEB.​

Esteban Obregón

General Manager

Deputy General Manager. Graduated in Technological Engineering from the University of León and a Technical Mining Engineering from the University of Cantabria, he brings more than 6 years of experience as Area Manager at ALDI and almost 8 years as Construction and Production Manager in the construction sector. . ​

Nuria Oñoro

Director of Operations

Forestry Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid with more than 23 years of experience in the forestry sector. Before joining CO2 Revolution, he developed his activity in the Rural Development and Forest Policy Management of Tragsatec (TRAGSA GROUP), participating in projects for the conservation of biodiversity and the study of the vulnerability of natural heritage to climate change.

Gonzalo Álvarez

Chief Financial Officer

Gonzalo has 9 years of experience in the financial sector. Before joining, he was Senior Renewable Energy Audit at EY and also worked at Clarity AI as FP&A. Gonzalo graduated in Business Administration and Management from CUNEF and has a master's degree in Auditing and Advanced Accounting from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE).​

Jaime Olaizola

Director of I+D+i

Jaime has solid knowledge in scientific research and has led pioneering projects in the development of technologies applied to the restoration of ecosystems. His innovative approach and ability to integrate science into practical solutions are invaluable to the company.

Héctor Viñas

Business Development Manager

He brings 15 years of experience in the commercial area. Before joining, he was an expert consultant in international market development at DHL. Graduate in English Philology from the Complutense University with a Master's Degree in International Trade Management from ESDEN.