Environmental objectives for 2023

We take stock of the significant data from 2022 and address new objectives for this year.

Experts agree that 2022 has been a year of records regarding climate change. Despite negative figures, there have also been good news, demonstrating a growing willingness from companies, governments, and organizations to reverse the emergency situation we are facing.

  • 2022 has been the worst year for wildfires in the last three decades. More than 265,000 hectares have been burned in our country (triple the average of recent years).
  • The hottest year in over 100 years. This marks an increase of nearly 2 degrees above normal, with over 40 heatwaves recorded.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions have increased to 288.6 million tons. This represents a 5% growth from 2021 to 2020 and a 14% increase in 2022.
  • Renewable energies reach a historic maximum in generation. Additionally, electricity prices have decreased, contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions.
  • Approval of a new royal decree on water protection. It aims to shield water resources from pollution caused by nitrates from agriculture and livestock.
  • Green and just economic recovery advances. 95% of these investments in ecological transition contribute positively to it.

Based on this year’s assessment, our objectives for 2023 are to continue fighting to mitigate climate change and avoid its catastrophic consequences. Firstly, we anticipate a continued growth of reforestation projects in both hectares and geographic expansion of territories. We aim to plant more than 2 million trees of different species to generate biodiversity to protect nature. Our mission is to act on degraded land as a result of climate change or those devastated by recent fires. With our projects, we will contribute to the regeneration of vegetation cover in those places in need, but it will also be an environmental benefit for the atmosphere. Our forests act as carbon sinks that absorb CO2 and reduce the presence of greenhouse gases.

Help us achieve all this and join our revolution.



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