Silvoso A


Creation of a sustainable forest ecosystem capable of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reducing the risk of water erosion by establishing sustainable forest cover, increasing the biodiversity of the area, and promoting rural development.

Silvoso A Afforestation Project covers 85.41 hectares located in the CMVMC of Carballedo, in the municipality of Cerdedo-Cotobade, province of Pontevedra (Galicia). The main objective of this project is to ensure sustainable timber production to meet industry demand, while creating a positive socio-economic impact for the local community.

The Silvoso A Project provides environmental benefits that are essential to mitigate the effects of climate change. By establishing a sustainable stand of trees in areas where natural regeneration has not been effective, it stabilises soils and promotes the development and colonisation of indigenous plants and animals. Human intervention in these areas is not only necessary for environmental sustainability, but also plays a crucial role in preserving biodiversity and improving the local ecosystem.

The mix of species used in the reforestation at Silvoso A includes native conifers and hardwoods. This diversity not only enriches the ecosystem, but also breaks the horizontal continuity of the canopy, creating a natural barrier that helps prevent the spread of forest fires. In this way, it protects the forest mass and the surrounding communities.

In addition to the environmental benefits, the Silvoso A Project also has a positive impact on rural development. Sustainable timber production not only meets industrial needs, but also creates employment and improves the quality of life of local communities. The integration of indigenous hardwoods and conifers ensures diversified and resilient forest production, which is essential for the local and regional economy.

In summary, the Silvoso A Project is a model of integrated forest management that combines sustainable timber production with ecological restoration and fire prevention.



Geographic situation
Pontevedra, Galicia
Actuation surface
20,82 Ha.
Year of execution
Number of trees planted
Type of certification
No information