Galician Atlantic Forest Restoration Grouped Project


Restoration of an Atlantic forest ecosystem in an area degraded by fire, aimed at reestablishing native flora and fauna, restoring the functionality of both the soil and the canopy, and promoting CO2 removal to mitigate the effects of global warming.

The “Galician Atlantic Forest Restoration Grouped Project,” in collaboration with Fundación Tierra Pura and supported by the Cabify Foundation and Glovo, is dedicated to restoring ecosystems devastated by forest fires.

This project involves the restoration of 210 hectares across the CMVMC of Borela and Carballedo, in Cerdedo – Cotobade (Pontevedra); and Couso in Concello de Avión (Ourense), in Galicia.

By accelerating the recovery of a burned Atlantic forest, the Galician Atlantic Forest Restoration Grouped Project fosters the proliferation of native plant and animal species, establishing a sustainable forest ecosystem. The future forest will contribute to climate change mitigation by sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere, a result of human activities. Additionally, it will play a vital role in soil protection and water resource management, reducing erosion risks, enhancing nutrient levels, and boosting soil biodiversity. The project will also deliver numerous ecosystem services to local communities, thereby supporting rural development, promoting local employment, and encouraging outdoor recreational activities.

The restoration effort involves a mixed, multi-species plantation of native coniferous and deciduous trees, selected for their adaptability to the local climate. This approach creates a resilient forest that is better equipped to withstand environmental disturbances while enriching the landscape with a diverse mix of evergreen and deciduous species. The mixed composition of native species is also strategically designed to break the horizontal continuity of the forest, significantly reducing the risk of future fire spread.



Geographic situation
Pontevedra y Ourense, Galicia
Actuation surface
210 Ha.
Year of execution
Number of trees planted
Type of certification