Located in the Community of Montes Vecinales en Mano Común de Carballedo, within the Concello de Cerdedo-Cotobade in Pontevedra, Galicia, the Carballedo III Project covers an area of 24.09 hectares dedicated to reforestation.
This ambitious reforestation project not only aims to ensure the sustainable production of timber to supply industrial demand, but also aims to provide significant environmental and social benefits.
The Carballedo III project focuses on creating a forest stand where natural regeneration has not been able to establish itself. By introducing native species adapted to the local climate, biodiversity is promoted and the resilience of the ecosystem is strengthened. The main species used is the native Pinus pinaster ssp. atlantica, known for its fast growth and ability to adapt to the environment. This reforestation not only stabilises the soil, reducing the risk of erosion, but also contributes to the regulation of the hydrological cycle. In addition, the project facilitates the development and proliferation of a wide variety of plant and animal species, creating a diverse and healthy habitat. Pseudotsuga menziesii and Salix atrocinerea complement the plantation, bringing structural and functional diversity to the restored forest.
This project has its own certification, ensuring that all reforestation practices meet the highest standards of sustainability. This certification guarantees that timber production is carried out in a responsible manner, promoting rural development and benefiting local communities.