CO2 Revolution strengthens its R&D department

Jaime Olaizola, biotechnology expert and founding partner of ID Forest, joins the CO2 Revolution team as director of R&D&I.

CO2 Revolution will have forestry engineer Jaime Olaizola as its R&D&I director. This department will be in charge of applying research, innovation and development knowledge to the preparation of smart seeds and the promotion of technology and big data to carry out planting work as efficiently as possible.

Olaizola has a great academic preparation in the scientific field. He studied engineering at the University of Valladolid, where he also completed his doctoral thesis in microbiology. In addition, he specialized in Forestry Resource Management, and at the same time he started collaborating in rural development and innovation projects. In October 2009 he created his first company with two colleagues from the university: ECM Environmental Engineering, whose objective is to offer new services and products that allow a profitable and sustainable use of natural resources. A year later, he founded ID Forest, in order to put into practice all the scientific knowledge he had acquired in the laboratory.

From then on, the forestry engineer began to develop various business ideas based on nature. In 2011, he became co-founder of Naturae, a company specialized in the creation of healthy active ingredients for the agri-food industry. Subsequently, he launched into the commercialization of fresh truffles thanks to TrufBox, an innovative company committed to sustainability in rural areas. Jaime Olaizola, who defines himself as an “enthusiastic, positive and idea-creating” person, has continued to undertake projects related to research, mycology and forestry resources in recent years.

Currently, Olaizola is director of ID Forest, a pioneering company in the agroforestry sector that carries out research whose results can be applied to different products and services. CO2 Revolution works in close collaboration with this biotechnology center for the production of intelligent seeds.

According to Juan Carlos Sesma, founder of CO2 Revolution, “without innovation there will be no way to reverse climate change”. For this reason, the company continuously invests in R+D+i in order to carry out reforestations as efficiently as possible. CO2 Revolution has a revolutionary model that combines the use of big data, drones and smart seeds to plant a large number of trees in the shortest possible time. In this way, the technology enables the company to have a large-scale effect on the environment.

Thanks to the experience acquired during his long professional career, his entrepreneurial spirit and his specialization in the scientific field, the incorporation of Jaime Olaizola in CO2 Revolution will undoubtedly benefit the company’s research, development and innovation department.



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