Calculating and reporting your carbon footprint by 2025

We are committed to helping you comply with the new regulations based on calculating and reporting your carbon footprint.

The entry into force of Law 11/2018 from 1 January 2025 will mark a turning point in the way companies address their environmental impact. This regulation requires companies calculating and reporting their carbon footprint, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change. At CO2 Revolution, we understand the challenges this poses and are here to help your business get ahead of the curve and meet these requirements effectively and efficiently.

What does Law 11/2018 entail?

Law 11/2018 on non-financial reporting and diversity obliges large companies to report detailed information on their environmental impact, including the calculation of their carbon footprint. This report must include both direct and indirect emissions.

Affected companies and organisations

The entities that must apply this regulation on a mandatory basis are those companies with more than 250 employees that meet at least one of the following conditions:

  1. Be public interest entities, according to the legislation on auditing of accounts.
  2. Meet specific economic criteria, such as having total assets of more than 20 million euros or an annual turnover of more than 40 million euros for two consecutive financial years.

Keys to ensuring compliance

To ensure that your company complies with Law 11/2018 before the deadline, we offer a series of key steps:

  1. Initial emissions audit: The first step is to assess the current state of your greenhouse gas emissions. This audit provides the basis from which to work towards improvement.
  2. Training and awareness raising: It is essential that your team is trained in carbon footprint measurement and management. The company’s main strength is sustainability awareness, as this can be an obstacle to reporting.
  3. Emission reduction strategy: Based on the results of the initial audit, an effective strategy to reduce emissions is developed. This may include the implementation of more efficient technologies, changes in operational processes and the adoption of renewable energy sources.
  4. Implementation of tools and methodologies: Using internationally recognised tools and methodologies ensures accuracy and comparability of reported data. At CO2 Revolution, we help you select and apply best practices.
  5. Continuous monitoring and reporting: Continuous monitoring of emissions and adjusting strategies as needed is crucial. Data must be collected on a regular basis to carry out the annual reporting required by Law 11/2018.

How CO2 Revolution can help you?

At CO2 Revolution, we understand the importance of complying with environmental regulations and we are ready to support your company through our services:

  1. Personalised advice: as experts in sustainability and carbon footprint management, we help you understand and comply with the requirements of Law 11/2018.
  2. Carbon footprint calculation: Our team covers the management of carbon footprint scope 1, 2 and 3 by providing accurate and detailed reports.
  3. Offsetting of emissions: We offset your carbon footprint using national and international standards through projects endorsed by CO2 Revolution.
  4. Reforestation projects: We offer carbon footprint offsetting through reforestation projects. CO2 Revolution leads reforestation initiatives using advanced technology to maximize the positive impact on the environment.

Benefits of getting ahead of the law

Complying with the law not only avoids penalties, but also provides numerous benefits for your company:

  • Improved reputation: Being seen as a sustainable company enhances your corporate image and strengthens relationships with customers and stakeholders.
  • Operational efficiency: Sustainable practices often lead to greater efficiency and reduced operating costs.
  • Competitive advantage: Leading sustainability companies are more attractive to investors and business partners.

Preparing for Law 11/2018 may seem like a challenge, but with the right guidance and expert support, it’s an opportunity to drive sustainability and efficiency in your business. At CO2 Revolution, we are committed to helping you meet these new requirements and lead the way to a greener future. Contact us to find out how we can work together to ensure your business is ready for 2025.



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