Carballedo II


Create a forest ecosystem capable of absorbing CO2, thereby combating global warming, protecting the soil by creating a sustainable forest cover, and restoring the area's biodiversity and wildlife habitats.

The Carballedo II project focuses on reforesting 24.09 hectares in Carballedo, Cerdedo-Cotobade, Pontevedra (Galicia) with a focus on ensuring sustainable timber production and promoting rural development. In addition to these objectives, it seeks to generate significant environmental benefits to help mitigate the effects of climate change.

The approach of this initiative is based on the establishment of a forest mass where natural regeneration has been insufficient, which contributes to the need to stabilise soils and regulate the hydrological cycle. It also encourages the development, proliferation and colonisation of a wide variety of plant and animal species, thus promoting local biodiversity.

In the species selection process, special attention has been given to Pinus Pinaster ssp. as the main species, complemented by others such as Pseudotsuga menziesii and Salix atrocinerea. These species have been chosen for their ability to enrich the forest ecosystem, improve soil structure and provide habitats for various animal species.

Carballedo II represents a comprehensive commitment to environmental sustainability and economic development in Pontevedra. This project exemplifies responsible forest management by integrating environmental, economic and social benefits. It promotes ecosystem resilience to the challenges of climate change and human activity. It contributes to the conservation of local biodiversity and the well-being of rural communities. It also strengthens water security and soil quality, which are essential for long-term sustainability.



Geographic situation
Pontevedra, Galicia
Actuation surface
24,09 Ha.
Year of execution
Number of trees planted
Tipo de certificación
No information