Original ideas to use wrapping paper in your Christmas gifts

Three Kings' Day is a celebration full of magic, traditions and gifts. Three Kings' Day is a celebration full of magic, traditions and gifts. In this article, we teach you how to give a special touch to your gifts by adopting sustainable practices and reducing our impact on the planet.

According to data provided by the Spanish Association of Pulp, Paper and Cardboard Manufacturers (Aspapel), up to 873 million kilos of paper and cardboard are used at Christmas. Taking into account that paper production involves the felling of trees and the consumption of large amounts of water and energy, it is essential to contribute to the recycling of used paper and cardboard to reintroduce them into the production cycle.

In Spain we are increasingly aware of this need, being the third country in the European Union with the highest volume of recycling of this material. It is estimated that during these dates up to 20% of recycled paper and cardboard will be collected throughout the year, that is, around one million tons of this material.

There are different options to recycle the wrapping paper that we use in large quantities during the Christmas festivities. Below, we leave you some tips to put into practice in the coming days:

  1. All paper and boxes that wrap Christmas gifts must be placed in the blue bin. In this way it will become new raw material.
  2. Separate materials such as ropes, plastics or zip ties that usually accompany the packaging. It is important not to mix waste to ensure a second life of recycling.
  3. Fold the boxes so that they take up as little space as possible and the containers can be filled completely, without leaving unused space inside.
  4. Wait a few days to take your products to be recycled. During designated days such as Black Friday, Christmas or Three Kings’ Day, the containers fill up, making it difficult to find space to properly deposit the materials and keep the streets clean.

The magic of gifts goes beyond the product itself. The presentation plays a very important role in the surprise and emotion of the person who receives it. The gift wrapping options are endless, the key is finding something unique and meaningful for each gift.

  • Cloth bags: They are a beautiful and durable option for wrapping gifts. Se pueden utilizar como envoltorio y posteriormente, ser reutilizadas en futuras ocasiones.
  • Newspaper: Give a vintage and original touch to your gifts by using old newspapers as wrapping. A creative and sustainable option since you reuse paper that would otherwise end up in the trash.
  • Reusable fabrics: Why not use tissues, pieces of fabric or cloths to wrap your gifts? This option not only adds a unique touch, but can also be reused as an accessory or decoration.
  • Recycled materials: Look for inspiration in recycled materials to wrap your gifts creatively. From cereal boxes to cans or other containers you have at home, these materials can be transformed into unique and original packaging.
  • DIY Kraft Paper: DIY kraft paper is another excellent and environmentally friendly option. You can personalize and decorate it with stamps, drawings or special messages to add a personal touch to your gifts.

Did you know that wrapping paper can have multiple uses once used? Here are some tips for reusing it:

  • Arts and crafts: Use the wrapping paper to make crafts such as cards, labels or even as material to create collages or decorative paintings.
  • Next packaging:Save the wrapping paper that is in good condition to use it again on future occasions. You can fold it and store it in a specific place so it’s ready when you need to wrap another gift.
  • Covering books or notebooks: Do you remember when you decorated folders with magazine cutouts? Use larger pieces of wrapping paper to cover books, notebooks, or folders. Not only will it give them a unique and original look, but you will also protect them.
  • Protección en el envío: Reutiliza el papel de envolver para proteger objetos frágiles cuando los envíes por correo. Crumple it up and place it around the object to cushion it during transport.
  • Decoration: Use smaller pieces or scraps of paper to embellish cards, create gift tags, or even to decorate boxes and packaging.

This year, celebrate the Three Wise Men by taking your gifts to the next level with creative wrapping that shows your creativity and respect for the environment. By reducing, recycling and reusing wrapping paper, you are helping to take care of our home.

Happy king’s day!



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