Ibercaja joins the Smart Green Movement of LG and CO2 Revolution to reforest Aragon

Ibercaja Foundation and LG Spain signed an adhesion pact this morning at the Cogullada Monastery in Zaragoza

The Ibercaja Foundation is committed to reforesting trees in Aragon in collaboration with LG Spain and CO2 Revolution

Smart Green is an initiative led by LG Spain that brings together large companies with the aim of combating climate change through tree planting across the country

Reforestation will begin in 2021 and will be carried out using drone technology and smart seeds

José Luis Rodrigo Escrig, General Manager of the Ibercaja Foundation, and Jaime de Jaraíz, President and CEO of LG Iberia, signed the agreement this morning at the Cogullada Monastery

The Ibercaja Foundation and LG Spain signed an adhesion pact this morning at the Cogullada Monastery in Zaragoza, through which the Aragonese entity joins the Smart Green Movement, an initiative led by LG Spain in collaboration with CO2 Revolution, whose objective is to plant millions of trees across the country.

In this way, the Ibercaja Foundation joins a movement that brings together large companies, citizens, and institutions to fight against climate change by absorbing excess CO2 in the atmosphere through reforestation of millions of trees throughout Spain.

The Smart Green Movement reforests more than 3 million trees in Guadalajara, Extremadura, Palencia, and Murcia, and now, thanks to the signing of this agreement with the Ibercaja Foundation, it will begin reforestations in Aragon in 2021.

These plantations are carried out together with CO2 Revolution, a company founded for the recovery of forests and their ecosystem, which employs science and technology, with drones, smart seeds, and LG ecotechnology to achieve planting effectiveness up to 80% higher than with traditional methods.

“At the Ibercaja Foundation, we have more than 140 years of experience working for the development of the territory and improving the well-being of people,” says José Luis Rodrigo Escrig, General Manager of the entity. “For us, it is an honor to sign agreements like this because they allow us to raise awareness among society in general and draw attention to the global challenges in which we can all contribute, such as working for sustainability and fighting climate change.”

“At LG, we have been defending trees as the only technology capable of stopping climate change for years. It is necessary to join forces among all of us and act now to save our planet,” emphasizes Jaime de Jaraíz, President and CEO of LG Iberia. “We felt from the first moment the push and enthusiasm of the Ibercaja Foundation for this project and, thanks to them and the support of more and more entities every day, we are closer to our goal of planting 47 million trees in Spain each year, one per inhabitant.”

For Juan Carlos Sesma, CEO and Co-founder of CO2 Revolution, “going hand in hand with LG and Ibercaja in this new action highlights the great environmental awareness and commitment of both companies to continue growing in an ambitious project in favor of the recovery of Spanish forests. Investing in trees means investing in the future in every sense. They are business examples of a true ecological transition towards a sustainable development model.”

This initiative is part of the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals into the actions of both companies, with the aim of achieving a future that allows for development, environment, and better quality of life for us and for our children.



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