Major Spanish companies and the Extremadura Regional Government join LG’s Smart Green 2020 movement

The Smart Green Movement, led by LG Spain, has resumed its goal today of planting 3 million trees in the forests of Spain

The Extremadura Regional Government, ALSA, Ackerman International, Civitas, Exevi, Merlin Properties, Narval, Sponsor an Athlete, and Phi4tech are joining LG and CO2 Revolution’s project

The first reforestation of 2020 under the Smart Green program, presented today in Villanueva de la Sierra, returns the natural heritage to several populations of the Sierra de Gata

The Smart Green Movement, led by LG Spain, resumed its goal today of planting 3 million trees in the forests of Spain with a reforestation in the Extremadura’s Sierra de Gata and adding new allies to the project: the Extremadura Regional Government, ALSA, Ackerman International, Civitas, Exevi, Merlin Properties, Narval, Sponsor an Athlete, and Phi4tech.

This action was presented this morning in Villanueva de la Sierra (Cáceres) at an institutional event attended by the President of the Extremadura Regional Government, Guillermo Fernández Vara, the Director-General of Forest Policy, Pedro Muñoz Barco, the Mayor of Villanueva de la Sierra, Felipe Calvo, as well as the President & CEO of LG Iberia, Jaime de Jaraíz, and the CEOs and Directors of the collaborating companies.

In total, thanks to the support of the new partners of the Smart Green Movement, 50 hectares of the affected areas of the Sierra de Gata in recent years by forest fires will be reforested to restore lost biodiversity to this natural environment. To achieve this, companies have combined science and technology, using drones, smart seeds, LG smartphones, and LG Gram laptops, achieving planting effectiveness up to 80% higher than traditional methods. The project, framed within LG’s Smart Green program and fully executed by CO2 Revolution, will begin the first planting phases starting in October, the optimal time for planting native species, after months of work and over a year of research.

Data collected through the LG smartphone – placed on the drone during the reconnaissance phase – and the drone’s own sensors are analyzed by engineers on the PC to detect variables such as temperature, precipitation, soil types, and native species, among others. These are then analyzed with data on local population requirements and soil regulations to extract an optimal planting pattern and ensure that each seed reaches the exact point defined in the analysis.

This ensures efficiency up to 80% higher than traditional planting. In order to minimize this 20% margin of error, technological reforestation will be complemented by manual planting in the most demanding and designated areas with a lower probability of success.

In the fight against climate change, reforestation is an essential action that contributes to the absorption of excess CO2 in the atmosphere, thus reducing the effect of global warming and regenerating the habitat of a wide variety of animal species. With this objective, LG has launched the Smart Green Movement 2020 to reforest 3 million trees in forests in Extremadura, Palencia, and Murcia thanks to the collaboration of companies and public administrations.

“Our Smart Green Movement is a call to everyone, individuals, institutions, and above all companies, to act for the benefit of the planet; and it is also a demonstration that we can achieve great results in a short time if we join forces. Thanks to CO2 Revolution and its scientific work on the ground, LG technology, and the collaboration of the Extremadura Regional Government and these seven companies, today we can say that Villanueva de la Sierra and its surroundings will recover some of the trees that fire took away from them,” said Jaime de Jaraíz, President and CEO of LG Electronics Iberia.

“It is a project that aims to put new technologies at the service of nature, to achieve much greater results than those achieved with traditional methods. That is the essence of the LG and CO2 Revolution alliance,” comments Juan Carlos Sesma, Founder of CO2 Revolution.

“At EXEVI, our children are the reason we joined The Great Green Pact of Companies. Today’s children will be responsible for caring for the planet tomorrow, so it is very important to teach them from an early age that we must care for and respect it. And what better way to do it than by setting an example. Their future is in our hands today,” explains Manuel Monterrubio, General Manager of Exevi.

“Ackermann International joins LG’s Smart Green movement for a double reason: for the good of all – because sustainability is the only key that opens the doors to the future – and because it is everyone’s mission to care for the environment – we all have responsibility and capacity to act on this matter-. LG’s Smart Green project represents a perfect alignment with our principles,” argues Samuel Pimentel, President of Ackermann International.

Mario Celdrán, Vice President of Phi4Tech, explains that “our greatest concern, our mission, is the quality of the environment in the spaces where we all live, teach, work, care for the sick, care for our elders, have fun, or take care of ourselves. None of this is possible if we do not protect our planet.”

“Civitas Pacensis is an Extremaduran promoter with a national vocation, committed to implementing a new model of urban planning in line with the cities of the 21st century, which truly manages to transform and improve the lives of people, creating cities made on a human scale, with spaces where you can live, work, study, and enjoy. In this sense, for us, it is a privilege to be part of the Smart Green movement, hand in hand with LG, since we believe in the same values, as a necessary and essential commitment to contribute to improving our quality of life in the future,” Alejandro Ayala, President of Phi4tech, commented.

For Marta Sánchez López-Lago, administrator of the family company NARVAL, “This is a great opportunity to give back part of our effort to our origin, to our land. The trees planted as a result of this initiative connect with our origin in Extremadura and are the best example that family businesses like ours not only grow organically but also maintain their connection with their roots. These trees will be the best symbol of all this.”

“Sport is increasingly linked to environmental sustainability through water sports and mountain sports, which is why we believe that an initiative like LG’s Smart Green Movement requires the participation of all types of companies for the good of our planet,” explains Julián Casa, CEO of Sponsor an Athlete.

LG Spain and its commitment to the environment

From its inception, LG has incorporated energy efficiency, sustainability, and environmental protection into its corporate and business strategy. In this way, it is one of the companies with the highest global investment in Green R&D, has exponentially increased the efficiency of its production process, and launches products to the market that save more water and CO2 emissions than any competitor (only in Spain, 55,000 tons of CO2 per year). Additionally, it is driving sustainable construction and mobility sectors, being already one of the main manufacturers of batteries, systems, and components for electric cars, and the engine of the self-sufficient housing model through solar energy.

With the Smart Green Movement, LG Electronics seeks not only to raise awareness, but also to call individuals, institutions and companies to action for the benefit of the planet, convinced that technology and science can contribute enormously to alleviating the effects of the hand of man on the environment. The final objective of the Korean company is to plant 47 million trees in Spain each year, one per inhabitant, to absorb the greatest possible number of CO2 emissions and improve air quality in our country. Both citizens and public and private entities can join together through to make this dream come true.




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